Sailing the Period Seas:
A Brief Look at Period Sailing Vessels
By Lord Cynwrig ap Meurig (mka Cody Sibley)
The following text provides brief
descriptions of several period sailing ships ranging from 800 BC through the
15th Century.
Greek War Galleys
800 - 500 B.C.
The Greeks, as well as others, used galleys
for warships. The galley was a long and lean ship with either one, two or three
rows of oarsmen. Those with two levels of rowers were called biremes, and those
with three levels of rowers were called triremes. Triremes were powered by as
many as 180 oarsmen.
Greek War Galleys used one large square sail
which was fixed (meaning that it could not be turned) and therefore only useful
when a following wind was blowing. Strong metal points, called rams, were used
on the front of these ships. They were attached at the waterline and used to
break the hulls of enemy ships.
Viking Long Ships
10th Century
Viking Ships were called long ships or
drakkars and were long, light and strong ships which easily slipped through the
water. Drakkars were up to 75 feet long and 16 feet wide and had one mast in
the center of the ship with a square sail. Forty oars were used to increase the
ship's power, and it was steered by a long paddle which hung over the aft (rear)
starboard (right) of the ship.
The Vikings decorated their ships with
mountings which were often gruesome and frightening, and heads of monsters and
dragons rested atop their bows. The Vikings believed that such ornamentation
aided in protecting them from sea creatures and other enemies.
English Cogs
1200 - 1500
In the early 13th Century, as trade in
northern Europe began to show marked increase, traders and merchants needed
bigger ships to carry more cargo. English ship builders built the cog ship which
was to become the most popular cargo ship in all of Europe. The cogs were
designed to sail rough waters, and usually had platforms called castles built on
their sterns and bows. These castles were used as protective coverings as well
as offensive attack points during battles.
The first cogs had one square sail, but
later cogs used a lateen, or triangular, sail which was discovered to have the
ability to catch the wind better when turned appropriately. In addition, the cog
was the first ship to use the more effective rudder instead of a paddle for
Chinese Junks
13th Century
The design of the Chinese Junk has not
changed in thousands of years. The same colorful boats which were seen by Marco
Polo in the late 13th century can still be seen in China today. The paintings
of these brightly colored vessels have specific and purposeful meaning to the
Chinese. Their beliefs range from the painting of a phoenix to make a boat last
forever to the painting of eyes which help guide the boat through stormy seas. A
junk is usually about 75 feet long and 22 feet wide. It generally has three
masts, and the deck and bottom are perfectly flat making it easy to beach.
Spanish Carracks
15th Century
The most well know Spanish Carrack was that
on which Columus sailed to America in 1492 - the Santa Maria. Most Carracks
were merchant ships which were built high in the stern and bow, held three heavy
masts, and reserved a hollow hull for expansive amounts of cargo.
In addition, most Carracks had square sails and
upper decks which kept water from getting into the bilge (inner hull). The
amount of cargo in which a Carrack could hold was measured in "tonelados". One
tonelado was equivalent to one ton of wine. As example Columbus noted in his
log that the Santa Maria was 80 tonelados which meant she could carry 80 tons of
wine in her cargo bay.
University of Wales, Bangor, School of
History, Nautical Archaeology Website.
Loades, David: The Tudor Navy
Press. Aldershot, 1992.
Copyright 1999-2001, Cody Sibley. All Rights Reserved.
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